Q&A webinar Green Enlightenment

Thank you all for the impressive attendance (nearly 400) and for the many questions.



Answering with the appropriate nuance would sometimes require several pages.

The answers would also rely on my view and position in the debate, which is: What is science and how can we best use science for making decisions regarding daily life and socio-economic problems?

The aim of this first B+B café was to ask for your attention to Plant Biotechnology and Plant Breeding as essential sciences for improving agriculture, mitigating environmental damage, and producing feedstock to sustainable industry. I wished to provoke reflections on our still limited knowledge of the molecular basis of plant physiology and plant reproduction. This despite the enormous developments of the last fifty years. What does it mean for our understanding of plant genetics that the first eukaryotic plants evolved from the protists of aquatic green algae over a billion years ago? How did plant communities come into being, relying on the microbiome as source of symbionts and pathogens? How do they react to daily, seasonal and accidental weather changes? As sessile organism, how could they spread reproductive cells adapted to different soil conditions?

Great societal problems, such as overpopulation, cannot be solved by science alone. But I am convinced that the advancement of basic knowledge of plant science can help to find ways to produce food while avoiding the depletion of resources and promoting the restoration of our planet from environmental damage. It takes more than plant science to advance the transformative change in agriculture needed to address food insecurity, poverty and inequality. But that is not really the topic of this first talk, so more about that will come upon another occasion.

What will be the relevance of genetic engineering vis-a-vis Genome Editing in the years to come?

Technologies always advance as part of the search for technical solutions to socio-economic problems. But technologies can also disturb our way of life. I am convinced that both genetic engineering and gene editing are necessary for plant breeding, a view that breeders have only recently begun to share.

Gene editing facilitates the precise modification of genomes. In the near future, genetic engineering may remain the technique of choice to introduce a whole new metabolic pathway in the target organism (eg. VitA or folic acid in rice), or to create “stacks” of linked genes that are inherited together as a package for resistance to disease, pests, and other agricultural threats. If we want to introduce new crops with specific traits for food, feed and industry, we will undoubtedly need both genetic engineering and gene editing.

New methods for inserting large stretches at a specific point in the DNA sequence are already under development. Yet multiplexing, i.e., editing different genes at the same time, is still on our wish list. Another major challenge for genome editing is the delivery of components into the cell. For now, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation remains the most efficient method to deliver gene-editing reagents into plant cells.

As I mentioned in my talk, it is also possible to express a phenotype transiently, without creating any kind of genetic modification. Transient expression technologies will be extremely useful in combating sudden biotic and abiotic stresses.

All of these approaches can only be fully exploited if the genome of the different crop varieties is known.

For all these reasons, I claim that the future of plant breeding is bleak without new gene technologies.

Communication really seems crucial to enhance public acceptance of GMOs and more recently, genome editing. But what should be the message to the public? To explain the technology (e.g. CRISPR-Cas) or to open their eyes that genomic changes are natural and that natural genomes are inherently diverse? My deepest concern is that most people don't understand how diverse and "messy" an organism's genome actually already is, even before we entered the era of genome editing! Would this not be the major missing element in the whole discussion?

Indeed. scientific literacy will never be sufficient, although we must all engage in this Sisyphus’ task. It is very important to pass the message that genome diversity and evolution are inherent to life. But I’m afraid even that is not enough. I think we must explain to all of society, in layman's terms, how the domestication of plants and animals and "genetic improvement" occurred in the context of evolution. Nevertheless, the scientific bases of new technologies should also be explained to environmentalists and to other specialists in life sciences.

The process of decision-making in human society relies on the interaction of emotion and cognition. Both mechanisms co-evolved in the brain, so that they complement and sustain each other. So, acceptance is not only rational, but is also largely emotional.

Our emotions are rooted in chemical-physical mechanism developed at the dawn of life to react and interact with the surrounding environment - learning how to obtain the energy needed to live and yet avoid danger - and, by doing so, to survive and thrive. Emotional and reasoning mechanisms evolved in our brain in a strongly interconnected, reciprocal and malleable relationship. Emotion may overwhelm reason whenever the environment fails to provide all the information needed for decision-making. Emotions, however, being a result of introspective awareness of internal information, may be poor guides to shape our cultural accomplishments in a diverse, globalized and environmentally endangered world. Moreover, emotions are easily manipulated by intellectual dishonesty - advocacy of a position using arguments or data known to be fallacious, appealing to fear, ridicule, disgust and other emotions. The current anti-GMO activism that exploits these feelings is an example of intellectual dishonesty.

How to reach people's emotions positively, without being manipulative? Science, by working at the frontier of knowledge, helps to provide more information, but at the same time unveil more unknowns, which generate emotional discomfort.  But when scientific knowledge generates new technologies to improve our capacity to survive and thrive, we become emotionally prompted to embrace scientific development. So, the only way to get plant biotechnology accepted by society is to have products that the general public deems good for them and for society.

The achievement of genetic engineering of a plant species (1983) and the revolution it brought about later for the benefit of humankind is no less than any scientific landmark that won Nobel Prize. Why have the groups (Marc Van Montagu, Jeff Schell, Mary-Dell Chilton and Robert Fraley) not been nominated for a Nobel Prize so far?

Plant science has rarely been in the Nobel Prize's spotlight. The explanation is that Alfred Nobel only established 5 areas he saw as appropriate to receive his prize: physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Most research on plant science should be included in the field of physiology, but the inclusion of the term "or medicine" has placed emphasis on research on mammals. McClintock's Nobel Prize only came when it was acknowledged that transposons are ubiquitous in all realms and not just in plants. Norman Borlaug was given the Nobel Peace Prize.

When we work in science, we don't aim for a prize per se. Rather, it is the scientific challenge that motivates us. Our interest in Agrobacterium tumefaciens was motivated by the curiosity to find the bacterial principle capable of triggering tumors in plants. The discovery that Agrobacterium oncogenicity and virulence were determined by a mobile extrachromosomal element led to the discovery of a natural mechanism of trans-kingdom gene transfer. While horizontal gene transfer was known to occur ubiquitously in bacteria, vertical gene transfer from bacteria to plants was indeed quite a revolutionary discovery. We and our scientific peers usually prize discoveries that can open the door to other scientific discoveries. Our research has revolutionized both fundamental and applied plant sciences. Thanks to Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation research in plant molecular biology has skyrocketed and is now poised to deliver many of the innovations that our world urgently needs. We are already seeing that plant sciences can provide tools not only for sustainable agriculture, but also for ensuring food security, improving nutrition and general health, reducing poverty, protecting natural resources and fostering a sustainable economy.

Finding the answers to fundamental scientific questions and realizing that these answers can provide applications is extremely rewarding. That is really enough for us. But it should not be ignored that the awards given to scientists or institutions are a criterion used by science policy agencies to support a given area of research.

Prof, do you feel that the current system in place for investigating plant genomes in response to certain abiotic and biotic stresses is good enough to allow for a comprehensive contribution to the knowledge of plants? i.e. Is it enough to publish MSc or PhD work in scientific journals, or should we start incorporating a social science aspect to our degree programs that will aid in our knowledge being shared with those who need it most?

Thanks for this question Anonymous Attendee. I totally agree with you and think it should not be limited to graduate studies, but rather be included in all academic fields. The university not only creates and disseminates knowledge, but also endows society with the skills necessary to serve it. Knowledge is a construction that involves multiple transdisciplinary domains, each domain having its own conceptual structure, its theoretical archetype and its specialized terminology, which makes interdisciplinary exchanges very difficult. It is a limitation of the human brain. But transdisciplinary education is essential because it advances an amalgam of perspectives that consolidate knowledge and can be useful in understanding the bigger picture. This issue concerns all disciplines We can advance knowledge on the properties of plants that can bring value to society, but, at the same time, each university field of study should help us to communicate with other specialists about how to organize best our human community. It is extremely important because knowledge evolves over time and must at the same time be used as it is today to meet the current needs of society.

Covid-19 crisis showed the limits of the Precautionary Principle: innovation in vaccines seems to be accepted despite the uncertainties. Any thoughts on how learning from the Covid crisis can be applied to overcome the resistance to innovation in agriculture?

We can all agree that we have to be careful. No one has a problem with precaution. The ethical problem with the precautionary principle is that it only takes into account the risk of causing harm, and not the risk of not using the solution available. In the case of Covid-19 vaccines, although some may have adverse symptoms, the benefit of taking the vaccine largely outweighs possible hazardous consequences. Unlike Covid-19 vaccines, GM crops have been thoroughly examined and found to be safe for human and animal health and beneficial for the environment. The mere fact of being transgenic presents no danger to the health and environment. To invoke the precautionary principle to GM crops is nonsense. It is important to realise that nobody can prove the absence of something, not even of danger. The use of biotech crops mainly raises ethical questions related to how these techniques are used, rather than to the techniques themselves. Nonetheless, raising society's awareness of the need to recover environmental health can help overcome resistance to biotechnological innovations in agriculture. Several of the plant biotechnology products have the potential to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a more resilient and sustainable agri-food system and biodiversity strategies. Not using these products also raises serious ethical concerns. Misunderstanding of genetics led to eugenics, and all the horrible theories about the importance of pure races that resulted in the extermination of the so-called impure. More on the precautionary principle is covered in the next question, from Geert De Jaeger.

We live in a 'well fed' society in Europe that perceives risks rather than benefits from plant biotechnology. This society chooses the precautionary principle instead of facts to make decisions. Might the experience with pandemics change this situation,or do we need to do something else? What is your opinion, Marc?

Indeed, one of the major barriers to the introduction of plant biotech products in agriculture has been the precautionary principle. I compare the cultural and public health measures for fighting the pandemic such as social distancing and protective equipment with the new agricultural strategies to address food security challenges: necessary but not sufficient. Controlling the pandemic requires more than sanitary measures. We need modern technologies to accelerate vaccine development and improve vaccine effectiveness. Likewise, the desire to avoid plant biotechnology is to deny the value of the scientific research that plant breeders so badly need.

The EU policies that claim that organic agriculture is better for health has to be scientifically documented and its various risks to the planet acknowledged and overcome. We all agree that the inputs that are used in agriculture as well as the additives used after harvest in the food production chain - storage, transport and processing - must be continually assessed. But to say that biotechnology concepts for developing new crop plants are radically different and riskier than the domestication of plants that have always been used by breeders is scientifically nonsense. Advances in molecular and cellular biology are essential to accelerate the generation of crops to produce food with less land and fewer inputs. But the plant biotechnology solutions have been largely ignored by FAO, academics, and agroecologists.

The pandemic shows how vulnerable humanity is and how quickly research and technology can help. Now more than ever, we need to join forces to let people know that plant biotechnology can help. The denial of the benefits of plant biotechnology blocks all research activities. We have already wasted too much time. We must adopt new technologies to save our lives and avoid an environmental catastrophe. We need an evidence-based risk management strategy that is alert to the challenges of agriculture and food production for vulnerable populations.

On this occasion, I would like to thank you, Geert, for your pioneering efforts to underline the importance of understanding the human spirit and the disciplines called human sciences in our university.

Do you think that the use of GM products for human consumption won't change the genetic makeup of human being? How safe are these GM crops?

Animals have eaten genes from all kinds of organisms since they entered the tree of life. Our digestive system breaks down DNA without any effect on our genetic makeup. Our own genes are made by our body from the building blocks that we acquire by digesting any food, whether it is considered GMO or not. The extremely rare cases of gene transfer between unrelated species only confirm the exceptional nature of the event.

There is no evidence or reason to believe that eating a gene that has been genetically modified in plants will affect our genetic makeup. There is no such thing as a fish gene or a tomato gene that would determine ‘the essence’ of a fish or a tomato. The DNA molecule is made up of the same building blocks in all organisms.

GM crops on the market have been tested for safety and tested more rigorously than any other food product. The conclusion, endorsed by scientific academies around the world, is clear: genetically modified crops are as safe to eat as their non-GM counterparts and they have no negative impact on the environment. On the contrary, they have been shown to be beneficial to the environment.

What are your thoughts about breeding companies which are primarily driven by profits?

It is not only a complex question, but it is also the fundamental question of how we organize our society. Paleontologists have proven that the trade in tools and technology was already present and favored certain communities as early as 50,000 years ago. This is long before humans started farming and animal husbandry (10,000 years ago).

Anthropologists have a lot of information about how political and economic power promotes development. The history of economic development indicates the complex relationship of advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of new technologies (e.g., the industrial revolution and the environmental damage generated). Industry in our economic system is always motivated by profit. The problem is, what's the right balance? Scientific progress is one thing. To use it to favor a given market to the detriment of social interest is another thing. The three pillars that support modern human civilization - society, science and economics - must be properly symmetrical and based on sound ethical and moral principles. It should not be forgotten that scientific knowledge acquisition is largely funded by society.

There is a lot more to discuss on this question but, as I pointed out in the introductory remarks of this Q&A, the right balance between rational and emotional intelligence to optimize the quality of life is not the subject of this talk.

I have written on this issue in a recent article (The future of plant biotechnology in a globalized and environmentally endangered world. Genet. Mol. Biol. 43 (Suppl. 2), e20190040 (2020).

Society, through its governments, financed knowledge creation in public research institutions which allowed industry to deliver GM crops to the market. Industry favored products that were the most profitable for the commercial producer; numerous innovations with clear benefits to the public, in general, were kept on the shelf at public institutions for lack of industrial partners. In a number of cases industry acquired start-ups, frequently spin-offs of public sector research, with the purpose of phasing out innovations that could compete with industry’s own products. The lack of products that bring clear benefit to the consumer generated uneasiness among the public, which was susceptible to campaigns claiming that GM products were not safe, and asking for strict regulations for planting and marketing GM foods. This severely limited other entering the market because of expensive or impossible hurdles to the entry of new GM products. Only the holders of the patents to the few early GM products were able to continue to sell their few products. The consequent monopoly of GM seeds by transnational agribusiness companies accrued the campaign of ideology groups, which in turn lobbied with politics to ban the cultivation of GM crops in the EU. The political decision triggered the shrinking of public funds for research on plant biotechnology, severely delaying the development of innovations that are badly needed to promote agricultural sustainability.

Is explaining transient expression to society going to counter the negative perception of plant biotechnology/ genetics?

Transient expression is a biotechnological development that will temporally alter the phenotype for as long as necessary. I think it can help alleviate the discomfort some people feel when it comes to making permanent changes. If they see that it works and doesn't cause any harm, they may even come to accept permanent phenotypic changes more easily.

Enlightenment started in Europe and from there it spread around the world. What can you comment about the official position of the European Union regarding production of genetically engineered crops and the influence of this position on the position of other countries? For example, in my country, Bolivia, opponents to these technologies always mention Europe as an example: "If Europe does not allow it, it is because it is dangerous and we cannot allow it". Thank you very much

Indeed, we cannot ignore that the European regulatory policy is moving in the opposite direction by delaying or banning the implementation of GM technology where it is most needed. We also cannot ignore that poor public acceptance of GMOs is shaping the European regulatory policy. Much of the public’s mistrust in GM crops is because of the work of anti-GM organizations in the EU, and more recently in the USA. They draw upon and generate anti-GM sentiment by employing fallacious arguments as to their safety. These rich countries are comfortable enough to protect themselves by citing a nonsensical precautionary principle instead of listening to science-based recommendations.  Unfortunately, their claims lead to anti-GMO policies in developing countries, especially in those that seek markets in Europe. This compromises food production and risks to provoke a global security crisis.

Anti-GMO campaign around the world has already prevented many varieties with improved agricultural and nutritionally characteristics from being planted. The best-known example is Golden Rice, which could have prevented blindness and death in millions of children. This illustrates the need for politicians in the so-called ‘Developed World’ to think hard before claiming without any real facts that something is dangerous to human health.

The use of fake news to attain political goals is immoral and should be openly confronted. Our failure to communicate about science has allowed the hijacking of scientific knowledge by ideology, which has perverted politics. We would be better off by convincing people to think wisely and to learn to operate from proven facts. The West’s global dominance, which is rooted in scientific development, can when polluted by misinformation, become the source of scientific inertia beyond its own frontiers. Plant technology is a mature technology, safe, and has an extraordinary record of benefits, both economic and humanitarian. But advances must be accompanied by adaptations in our the social, political, and cultural attitudes in order to attain the paradigm shift our society needs.

The world distressed with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak reminds us that we are all citizens of the same world, which cannot be contained by geo-political barriers. Science can help. Plant biotechnology can help. It is sustainable and can increase global food production.

I recommend to you Jennifer Thomson’s new book, GM Crops and the Global Divide. It is an enlightening historical documentation and analysis of the GMO controversy.

What sort of sustainable innovation do you expect in the future to feed the ever-increasing human population as the supply of land remains the same or even reduced due to pollution, degradation, environmental pollution, nutrient depletion and acidification?

In an ideal world, the scientific knowledge that we are already witnessing would push forward a feast of innovations that may in the medium term transform completely the way we produce food, energy, and goods, and improve human, animal, and environmental health around the globe. Plant biotechnology makes it possible to tailor crop varieties to the local environment, and helps to meet the goal to produce more food without degrading the ecosystems.  Sustainable agribiotech innovations need to address challenges in all fronts. I would highlight the need for boosting yield-restricted land to preserve natural ecosystems; crops with improved roots and associated microbiomes to reduce the need for external nutrient input and soil preservation; and crops resilient to abiotic and biotic stress to cope with climate instability and the consequent outbreak of new pests and pathogens. From the IPM perspective, a plethora of RNAi-based approaches is foreseen, including pest control against insect species, mites, ticks, and nematodes in a wide range of crops, pest resistance management, and protection of beneficial insects against viruses and parasites as well. RNAi products for crop protection are anticipated to be suitable for all types of farming systems, because they hold the promise of being affordable, long lasting, and environmentally safe.

To feed the increasing world population I think it is important to invest in new breeding tools to accelerate breeding programs of crops that support world food security in a sustainable agriculture. New breeding tools can help to domesticate wild plant species and transform them into robust, high-yielding new crops.  Orphan crops, such as millet, cowpea, common bean, chickpea, pigeon pea, grass pea, cassava, yam and sweet potato, feed millions of people in Asia, Africa, and South America. These crops are of local or national interest but represent only a small fraction of the international commodity trade, therefore of little significance for major transnational seed companies. Therefore, the development of gene-engineered indigenous crops will depend on public research and local SMEs.

While these scientific developments have huge transformative potential for humankind, the horizon might play out very differently, depending upon a multitude of variables, including prior human choices. Science alone will not automatically solve problems and shape the future of a better world. It is up to us to make more informed choices and to do so urgently. Scientific knowledge must be deployed for the construction of a better and more inclusive future, with healthy and stable economies, fair and well-governed societies, and respect for the environment, in order to attain the paradigm-shift our planet calls for.

Why try to produce more food? Why not completely focus on overpopulation issues? It is at the core of all environmental problems. Is this possible in our economic growth-driven society? Thank you, Marc!

When we trace the world's population over the past 12,000 years, we observe exponential growth from 1700 onwards. This is a serious danger not only to our survival but also to the survival of all terrestrial ecosystems and requires urgent action. We do know, however, that in order to control the human population, we must promote a global revolution in the way we see our place in the world.

Human societies are complex. Humans are part of the tree of life. Reproduction is a basic need, a sine qua non condition of life. All forms of life have the same specific behavioral characteristics: look for food and avoid danger to ‘resist and project itself in the future no matter what’ (Damasio, A. “The strange order of things: Life, feeling, and the making of cultures”, p81. Penguin Random House LLC, USA, 2018). ‘Resist’ means to preserve its singularity as a system that makes use of organized energy to avoid its tendency to disorder and dissolution (entropy). ‘Project to the future’ means to reproduce because, at some point, virtually all organic units normally decline and die. So, individually, the choice to not reproduce is a tough decision. There is need for a deep transformation in our societies (and it has really to be in all our societies). When we abandon the flawed view that the planet Earth and the human World are different things, we realize that the biosphere and the phenomena derived from it, such as human civilization, are being pushed to the brink of collapse.

Humanity needs more compassion towards our human societies and the planet’s living systems. Meanwhile, it is important not only to try to produce more food with minimal environmental damage, but also to learn to accept population control.

Marc: do you think we need a new kind of environmentalism, like Eco modernism, which is pro-science and also progressive in social character?

I do not follow closely the Eco modernism agenda. But I definitively agree that we should make the best possible use of science and technology to preserve earth’s ecosystems. Organic farming’s dogma doesn't do that.  I also agree that it is fundamental to have a paradigm shift in our societal values for all of us and future generations to survive in decent and humane conditions.

But life cannot be reduced to "good and bad" dichotomy. Our world needs a multidimensional transformation to reverse the multifaceted systemic dysfunction we face. The socio-ecological processes of our societies cannot be depoliticized. We will have to forge a new world civilization in which identity and solidarity will extend to all humanity. We will also need to think deeply about the value of evolution of the information hidden in evolution and the molecular links we have with all living organisms, as well as understanding their lifestyle. We already know that vertebrates can experience reason, emotion, and compassion. As I have said many times, human ingenuity is the trigger for the planetary crisis, and human ingenuity and solidarity will and must solve it.

Thank you very much Marc for your persistent efforts to bring rationality back into the evaluation of solutions to our socio-economic problems. The task is immense for science and even more for science journalists who know how to use the right word in the right place.

In Plant B+B, what are the roles played by Genomics? I can understand that molecular biologists and biochemists will perform a lot of experiments (e.g. to study gene function or plant transformation)?

Advances in genomics provide plant breeders and biotechnologists with new tools and methodologies for the agricultural revolution we urgently need to accelerate the transition to sustainable economic, social and environmental initiatives. Thanks to genomics, the relationship between phenotype and genotype takes steps beyond Mendelian traits; genome-wide expression studies are helping to unravel the molecular basis of complex traits.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the analysis of genomes and transcriptomes by bioinformatics facilitate the discovery of new genes and regulatory sequences that can be modified by genetic engineering and new-breeding technologies. One beautiful example is the use of site-specific nucleases, particularly the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein (Cas) system, for precise genome manipulation such as the long-dreamed induction of targeted chromosomal rearrangements (crossovers, inversions, or translocations). This molecular tool can alter genetic linkages between traits to combine or separate favorable and deleterious genes, respectively, avoiding natural rearrangements that are huge obstacles for the breeding process.

Several genomic tools greatly expand the choice of markers available, facilitating the study of genetic diversity which is essential for the management and improvement of genetic material. For example, genome re-sequencing facilitates genome-wide discovery of markers for high throughput genotyping platforms like SSRs and SNPs and construction of high-density genetic linkage maps. Whole genome association studies (GWAS) and genotyping by sequencing (GBS) make it possible to screen collections of genetic material for allelic variants of a target gene. They also allow the identification of markers linked to Mendelian genes and QTLs. Genome-wide expression studies allow breeders to understand the molecular basis of complex traits. These examples are not exhaustive and other applications are under development, demonstrating the fundamental role of genomics in plant breeding and plant biotechnology.

In addition, "omics" studies such as metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metaproteomics in the rhizosphere environment have revealed important information on the microbial diversity, specificity of plant-microbe interactions, their responses to various biotic and abiotic stimuli, and the physiology of disease suppression. Knowledge of the interactions between the microbial community and plant species holds immense potential for sustainable agriculture.

Very inspirational talk, thank you so much. You discussed the great importance of plant biotechnology and breeding to advance as a whole, including Africa, where nutritional deficiencies are striking. However, very few relevant African crops are globally included in the plant genetics agenda. Do you think we should do a global effort to involve African communities and crops into the new ‘green revolution’, and how? Thank you.

You are absolutely right Lara. According to the 2020 FAO state of food security and nutrition in the world, in 2019 Africa had the highest levels of food insecurity among all global regions. The prevalence of undernourishment was 19.1 percent in the African population. This corresponds to more than twice the percent of the world average (8.9 percent). I don’t think the model of the Green Revolution, favoring a dominant staple crop is a good choice for African. In fact, the first green revolution was focused on rice and wheat, which where more prominent in Asia and Latin America. In Africa, maize is the dominant staple, and high-yield tropical maize varieties were and are not yet ready. At the time, we were all particularly disheartened that a global revolution in agriculture brought so little benefit to Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Now, with all the knowledge we have acquired on crop development and sustainable agriculture, I think that, as you say a ‘new green revolution’ for Africa, should take a different path. But a focus on maize and other commodity crops to the detriment of nutritious and climate-resilient crops can have negative consequences for food security in SSA.

It is expected that new breeding techniques will be applied to the improvement of wider varieties of plants, boosting the germplasm resource for agriculture worldwide. As such, these techniques can be a major game changer for agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa where many crops of local interest comprise a number of niche-specific varieties well adapted to the local environment and farming system. Key staple crops such as sorghum, millet, groundnut, cowpea, common bean, chickpea, pigeon pea, cassava, yam and sweet potato are grown in niche geographical areas in small farms. Because they are not extensively traded, these crops, as well as many fruits and vegetables, have been completely ignored by Ag-biotech.

It is time for a second Green Revolution, adapted to the needs of Africans. These climate-resilient crops are key components of healthy diets and indeed deserve a global effort, as we have seen with Borlaug's Green Revolution. Increased and sustained funding for agricultural R&D is fundamental to translate the discoveries of plant science into orphan crops. It is also essential to forge strong and expanding partnerships, with decisive leadership from institutions and governments, both in Africa and elsewhere. These efforts, along with philanthropy, were essential in launching the Green Revolution in Latin America and Asia. I think this is also a good strategy for Africa: a determined government agricultural policy, science and a solid philanthropic plan.

Do not despair. All advances in molecular genetics of plants are extremely recent, and it is only in the last decade that technology has become available to study and improve orphan crops. I am convinced that soon orphan crops will lose the ‘subsistence’ label and become crops with higher yield and commercial value. If many local crops are improved to adapt to local environmental conditions, this will result in a competitive and sustainable local seed industry. This will also provide a basis for the emergence of a green industrialization of the region, a necessity in areas with, unfortunately, high population growth.

Is it possible to control overpopulation by achieving great productivity of crops?

No. To control overpopulation, we need much more than better and more productive agriculture. We need a radical shift in the way our societies see and interact with all other living systems. In the meantime, what we can do as plant scientists is to develop an agriculture that can feed the human population while reducing environmental damage to preserve the Earth's biodiversity.

Nevertheless, Hans Rosling has pointed out that the average family size is higher among families living in extreme poverty. Parents living in extreme poverty need to have a big family because they need to have extra children in case some children die, as their children are needed for labour in their farming subsistence activity. When these families can have higher crop yields with fewer labour efforts in their land plot, children are no longer required for child labour. Moreover, when women are educated and have information about contraceptive methods, “across cultures and religions both the men and the woman instead start dreaming of having fewer, well-educated children” (Rosling, Hans, O. Rosling, and A. R. Rönnlund. Factfulness: Ten reasons we're wrong about the world–And why things are better than you think: Sceptre. (2018) p.91).  

What we can learn from the plants about connecting the world to help heal our divided world now?

Thanks for attending the B+B Café, Yeyang Su. Human sciences are extremely important for the transformations we look for our societies

Indeed, the communication of plants can be inspiring. Although sessile, plants are engaged in a fantastic network of chemical communication between plants and other organisms below and above the ground. They are great networkers when conditions are right, which is why ecologists are so keen of the word symbiosis. Symbionts even try to induce new pathways to keep the cooperation. But when nutrients and water are scarce, plants can also practice social distancing.

Mycorrhizal symbiosis is an example of communication between plants and microorganisms below ground. This fungal network is also used in plant-to-plant communications, to share sugars in a fine-tuned way. They share more nutrients with close genetic relatives than with more distant plants. But when conditions are not favorable, plants can reduce mycorrhizal network communication to support themselves and survive in the long term.

Plants can also transform their environment individually or collectively to promote better growth. All of these behaviors suggest that overall, plants are best when they are in network with the ecosystem. The study of these interactions is an emerging field for eco-biology and will be of great importance for applied plant sciences.

All these may be familiar to us and we tend to ‘humanize’ other forms of life, because we believe these behaviors are very characteristics of humans. But we should see things the other way around. These are behaviors intrinsic to all living things. It is the essence of life. Nature just evolved different ways in order to accomplish the same tasks to stay alive and well. Communication with the ecosystem is one of these tasks.

We, humans, are subject to the same rules but we can do better, especially in relation to kin recognition behavior. The human brain can understand that the whole of nature is connected and therefore the whole ecosystem is kin. We are not better nor worse than other living communities, we are just different. The solidarity and compassion that we feel towards our kin should be extended to the whole of nature. Then we will have turned the corner to become a real natural society.

Do you think that complete reliance on GMOs which is controlled by a few commercial companies is a solution to feed the growing population, as many of the developing countries’ farmers cannot afford to buy new seeds every season? In addition, the price is controlled by those companies and any price hike directly affects the life of the people.

The initial problem with GMOs was indeed the fact that transnational seed companies immediately jumped on the technology when they realized its potential. These companies limit their products to staple crops with high commercial value, such as corn and soybeans. This is the real reason activists have reacted against GMOs. It was not about the technology itself, but how it was deployed in society. Public opinion and policymakers were aware of the situation but found that blocking the technology to reduce the influence of transnational corporations over food production was easier than taking direct action against the monopoly of such corporations. I think it was an unfortunate strategy. If, on the contrary, public opinion and political decision-makers had pushed for the development of GM crops that could improve the profits of small farmers, we could have progressed faster towards more environmentally friendly agriculture.

It is true what you say. When the farmer buys GM seeds, he chooses to respect the legal constraints of a contract in which he undertakes not to save the seeds from year to year. In fact, seed companies invest millions in the costs of research and development of a new variety. Intellectual property rights allow breeding companies to recoup these costs, also known as innovation costs. There are also regulatory costs, which depend on the statutes in force for obtaining a marketing authorization in a given country, which are particularly high for genetically modified seeds.

These are in fact heavy constraints for the development of genetically modified seeds outside the large agribusiness companies. But it's a battle worth fighting for. On the one hand, because most if not all scientific discoveries that paved the way to biotech crops come from universities and public research institutes. Since most of the innovation costs come from public funding, it is fair that society as a whole benefits from biotech products. The company that owns the intellectual property rights may block the use of innovation in cultures that are not part of its portfolio. This is the case of so-called orphan crops that are planted by poor small farmers.  On the other hand, even if a given GM-Event is off-patent, it is very difficult for another organization to take over the product. The holder of regulatory ownership remains legally responsible for all matters related to identity, quality and product performance. The regulatory approvals must be maintained in the countries in which the GM crop is growing, as well as in the countries where plants containing the products derived from GM plants will be exported. In many countries, these approvals are time-limited and need to be renewed regularly.

If we want poor smallholder farmers to benefit from innovative seeds, whether transgenic or not, it is essential to have them produced locally by seed companies financed by public funds and charities. The crops that poor farmers need most are nutritious and resilient to biotic and abiotic stresses in their specific niche. But these crops are of little or no interest to the handful of agrobiotech companies that dominate the GMO market today.

Are improved plants considered GMOs? In the context of Africa, how can plant B + B be helpful/applied given the scarcity of resources in the continent (lab equipment, sequencing services, limited experienced skilled human resources, etc...)

Not all improved crops are GMOs. On the contrary, only a few (14) crops are genetically engineered, of which only 4 (soybean, maize, cotton and canola) account for 99% of the GM cultivated area. Other biotech crops (alfalfa, sugar beets, sugarcane, papaya, safflower, potatoes, eggplant, squash, apples, and pineapple) are cultivated in 1% of the global biotech crop area.
As I mentioned in my response to Lara Pereira Garcia, an agricultural revolution tailored to Africa must occur. It must be developed in Africa with the participatory commitment of local actors. It will take international scientific cooperation to exchange scientific knowledge and technology as well as infrastructure to develop and promote the sustainable agriculture that Africa needs. One of IPBO's strategic priorities is to improve collaboration with African countries for research, infrastructure support and services on biotechnology, breeding and agriculture. The IPBO website provides more information about our vision and activities.

Do you think biotechnological advancements will have a great impact on feeding the world if resources continue to be distributed unequally? In other words: will science be able to solve political problems?

Not immediately. In my opinion, science is one of the three major forces shaping our modern world along with the economy and society policy. These forces are linked and interdependent. Science is the engine of innovation, which in turn is the central force in the economic transformation of society. Society policy sets the priorities of science and pushes innovation forward (or backward). Nonetheless, I am convinced that advances in biotechnology can help promote food security by reducing inequalities in food production. Recent advances in new breeding techniques offer an opportunity to radically improve local food security by producing a greater variety of cheaper and more nutritious foods capable of growing in diverse climatic and soil environments. The challenge, therefore, is not whether biotechnology can contribute, but whether we are smart enough to apply advances in biotechnology in an appropriate, judicious and relevant way to different cultural societies in order to make real improvements on a global scale.

So far, agricultural biotechnology innovations have prioritized yield and productivity, disproportionately promoting food production in the high-income country. Much less attention has been paid to horticultural crops, even though these crops have the potential to improve the livelihoods and food security of smallholder farmers. Of course, access to biotechnological advances for the production of local crops is not sufficient to generate better livelihoods. They must be accompanied by transport, processing along food value chains and marketing. In short, advances in science must be aligned with political and economic drivers. As I said before, this is a battle worth fighting for.

To answer your core question - will science be able to solve political problems - it suffices to see how our societies have changed under the influence of the knowledge and innovations brought by the science of non-living matter such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. Inventions such as the refrigerator, the airplane, the computer, among many others, have strongly influenced our political behaviors.

Could stepping away from animal agriculture be one of the biggest solutions to keep our planet green and diverse? Every year about 80 billion animals are raised for food. There would be no food shortage if all the produced foods went mainly to people. For example, more than 80% of all the soy production goes to animals

It is acknowledged that agriculture is at the heart of most environmental problems in the world. Livestock are the largest user of land in the world. Pastures and cultivated land dedicated to the production of animal feed represent nearly 80% of all agricultural land. And this in a world with a very uneven food distribution, meat in particular. If we want to live in a peaceful world with all people in harmony, we need a fair distribution of food, including meat. It is predicted that it will need a 60% increase in milk and meat production by 2050, putting enormous pressure on global resources. If we don't reach an inflection point in population growth, then, indeed, we must all become vegans.

But is it realistic? We have been eating livestock for around 10,000 years. According to a recent BBC survey, in January 2021 the number of vegans in the world was around 79 million i.e., around 1% of the world's population. Our diet isn't just about the food on our plate. Food shapes every aspect of our society, from our cultural identities to our economic activities. I think the best solution is to reduce population growth.

Dear Professor, what about building in resilient agro-ecosystems? To find solutions by accessing all PGRs such as landraces, adding the plus value of the Local Knowledge? Build positive fillings. Learning to redefine subjects such as into the Aristotelian philosophy? I am fascinated by the logic you are accessing professor. Thank you

It is an idyllic view of the world. One of the questions Aristotle sets out about each thing is "what made it come into being and what made it change."  So, we should ask ourselves what caused agriculture and what made it as it is now. I fear that our primitive agriculture cannot cope with the size of humanity. I'm also worried that today's agriculture is sending us straight to the wall. Yes, we should further explore plant genetic resources to diversify our food production and make agriculture more resilient to climatic instabilities. But we cannot ignore that traditional knowledge alone cannot provide the food we need. We need a new agriculture that will use all the knowledge we have accumulated so far. If ancient landraces could feed the population satisfactorily, they probably would not have been abandoned. Now it is up to modern science to improve the yield and quality of these landraces so that we can have them back on our plates.

Many important Covid-19 vaccines have a genetic engineering origin and are used in a broad global sense. Pandemic times have sensitized the public to science-based decisions. What is your vision as to how to explore new links between medicine and agriculture?

Thanks, Daniel, for keeping fighting for biotech research and industry in small countries like Uruguay, be it for human/animal health or agriculture.

Indeed, agriculture is not only important for public health issues such as more nutritious foods and nutraceuticals. The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak has shown us the importance of science to rapidly produce effective vaccines at affordable prices for rich countries. Plants can be a quick and inexpensive way to produce biopharmaceuticals, as has been demonstrated by the use of tobacco plants to produce monoclonal antibodies against the Ebola virus. The experimental therapy was successfully tested during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. The production of vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals by transient expression in plants has enormous potential for the equitable distribution of these products, which are generally very expensive.

We must not forget the agricultural production of medicinal plants. Genetic engineering and other new breeding techniques may provide more efficient alternatives and/or increase levels of plant metabolites with pharmaceutical potential for production on an industrial scale. The integration of medicinal plants in the fields of food/fodder crops is an interesting strategy for a sustainable agriculture with a secondary culture with high added value.

Considering your global experience Marc, what would you think is the future of biotechnology (particularly genetic engineering) in relation to food security (in Africa for instance), realizing that many African governments may not have robust biosafety assessment processes?

Let us not forget that what is called the “biosafety assessment process” is a set of laws that are sometimes influenced more by emotional feelings than by scientific-based evidence.

Indeed, the limited use of biotech crops in Africa has compromised the valuable opportunities for crop improvement already available on other continents. But as a late adopter, Africa has limitless possibilities to harness the immense knowledge accumulated over the past two decades and to avoid some of the difficulties faced by early adopters.

Most African countries have ratified the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety whose enforcement led to national biosafety legislation. However, the implementation of the regulatory framework for biotechnology is far from being uniform in the African continent.  Arguably, the decades-old controversy between the United States and the European Union over the application of the precautionary principle to the regulation of GMOs was a proxy for preserving economic interest. This has affected the development of functional biosafety policy and limited GM-crop development in Africa. It is high time to support the right fight for science-based risk assessment models in African countries that focus on local agricultural and environmental practices, rather than on a Western model. This can facilitate cheaper, faster and safer assessment of local/regional GM crops, reducing burdens on individual countries and encouraging regional harmonization of regulatory frameworks.

Thanks for the thought-provoking talk Marc. One question I have is: Is the resistance shown to GMOs really from common people and society, or it’s a planned resistance by groups of fertilizer and chemical industries to safeguard their hidden interests?

This is a provocative question. Common people and society very often repeat the answer given them by those whose ideological biases they feel comfortable with. The anti-GMO actions carried out by influential NGOs such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth are perceived as “good” because these organizations do or used to do many actions which are good for nature. It is not easy to follow science-based argumentations. Some claim that GMOs are of (not hidden) interest to multinational agro-industry as they increase their market share. Established industries have to safeguard their business. But the question is whether they would be able to maintain their monopoly position if small local seed companies around the world could produce better suited and higher yielding seeds.

Agriculture is big business and is subject to strong political and economic influences. It is a Machiavellian attitude of the agroindustry to accept or, worse still, to help in some cases the anti-GMO actions of influential NGOs so that they can be certain that they will not have competition. As the saying goes, follow the money. It might be interesting to find out who are the donors to the main anti-GMO militant groups. But it is not easy to know and verify the accounts of transnational organizations, be they industry or NGOs.

In competitive yield trials in the US, yields of existing varieties often reach 200% or even more of the average yield in the same region. In other words: the potential for such yield is already in the plants' genome - it is the farmer taking special care of this plot. Thus it seems it is rather a question of proper agronomy than of further breeding (w/ or w/o transgenic approaches) to increase crop yield. Would you agree?

No. The facts may be correct, but the interpretations are more complex. We have to ask what is meant by 'farmers taking special care' of the plot. Is it more external inputs, better irrigation, more labor? Is it sustainable? Sustainable intensification of agriculture will not be achieved only with new management strategies. Seed improvement remains essential, as proper agronomy is likely to yield even higher yields when the right seeds are sown. Each environment is unique. It is imperative to develop of crop varieties that can give a high yield with less inputs, suited to local soil and weather conditions. In cases of climate-stresses, better seeds can help agriculture adapt to evolutionary threats.

You have said that “Governments, not private businesses, created many of today’s most fundamental technologies.” Can you elaborate? Recently, many governments are withdrawing from funding agricultural research giving out to private companies. Do you think that’s wrong?

In fact, from a global perspective, only the United States has reduced public agricultural research and development since 1990. This trend is not shared with other countries. The United States is a wealthy country that can buy scientific research developed by other countries. Before we discuss who funds innovations in agriculture, we need to consider where the innovation comes from.

Innovation results from the collective and cumulative hard work of basic and translational research which in turn is the result of long-term public funding. The fundamental life sciences have two aspects. One aspect is understanding what life is and how living matter works. The second aspect is to determine how these fundamental discoveries can be used for the benefit of the world and human societies. The outcome of translational research is deeply uncertain; most attempts at innovation fail. Companies often don't want to take such risks. It is the public sector that steps in at the early stages of research where private finance is afraid to enter, to provide vital long-term funding. This was the case with all the research in molecular biology and genomics which provided fundamental tools for the development of plant biotechnology and modern plant breeding.

With your hindsight Marc, what could we have done differently for the EU to have benefitted from deployment of GM crops?

Any innovation development should be accompanied by a study of impact on society and appropriate communication on this impact. The risks and benefits presented by new agricultural technologies are perceived and experienced differently by different stakeholders and this should be addressed as a priority.

In fact, the first GM crops widely grown today were designed out of concerns about the chemical industry's adverse effects on the environment. The red light started with the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984, when methyl isocyanate spilled from the Union Carbide India Ltd pesticide plant, killing over 15,000 people and affecting over 600,000 workers. Under the impact of the world's worst industrial disaster, the pesticide industry was receptive to the shift towards less environmentally damaging agriculture. The problem is that the positive environmental impact of the new GM-seeds was not proclaimed early enough or satisfactorily enough.

Also, ideally, we should have invested in products that have clear benefits for end-consumers. The benefits to farmers or the environmental gains are intangible for the majority of people. We should have privileged humanitarian innovations such as Golden Rice, with seeds produced by international agricultural research centers, as is indeed the case. Many questions remain:  Could it be possible? Would we be able to do it sooner? We have seen that patent holders can give it away for humanitarian purposes. It is time to open the discussion on how to better organize the use patent rights.

What kind of control does an institute like VIB have on how the result of their research is used in practice? The cry for feeding an increasing population, the need for financial funding of research and our economical dogma of growth are all pushing for applying the results in large scale deployments, at the expense of small-scale agriculture, favoring the big players in the industry.
This is also a key reason for people to be against GMO.

You are right that research centers have no control over the deployment of their discoveries. The VIB is mainly supported by public funding, which in turn calls for results with economic value, such as new patents and new companies. All of this follows the strategic political plan of the government we have elected.

The unfair economic division of the world is a fact. To change it we need to empower the poor areas in less developed countries with technologies allowing the creation of values in the regions. Changing the status quo will require a reorientation of the entire economy, transforming production, distribution and consumption. This will require good plant science and the judicious application of plant biotechnologies. Above all, we must reconsider our social values.

What do African countries need to do in order to be powerful in plant B+B where I see the need to eliminate extreme hunger!  Only Plant B+B synergy can solve agricultural problems what do you mean?

I mean that plant biotechnology is essential to quickly introduce the genetic modifications to drastically shorten the development of new cultivars. However, plant biotechnology is impossible without plant breeding. A crop is more than genetic manipulation. A phenotype is the result of the interaction of genotype with environment. This is a task to plant breeders: to choose the best combination of the new engineered trade with other traits of the plant to make it an ideal crop for a given environment, as well as to respond to the accelerating environmental changes.

As I mentioned in the answer to Lara Pereira Garcia, Africa needs an agricultural revolution aimed squarely at the needs of Africans, with the participatory engagement of local actors. A tenacious government agricultural policy is essential. It will take international scientific cooperation to exchange scientific knowledge and technology, as well as infrastructure to develop and promote the sustainable agriculture that Africa needs.

Thank you very much for the interesting talk! I was wondering what you thought was the best way to combat the anti-science rhetoric (i.e. anti GMO) that has been increasing during the past few years? Usually, this rhetoric is fear-based.

Indeed, we have observed that disruptive technologies signal both hope and fear. We cannot have a healthy life without emotions.  Fear was crucial to the survival of early humans, but today it can be a handicap when we have to make rational decisions on how to keep our society nourished, healthy, and at peace 0,whilst maintaining the present ecosystems.

We should try to keep our thinking processes out of the control of emotions so that our decisions are less prone to biases. This is indeed critical in our ‘post-truth society’ where emotion and personal beliefs are more influential in shaping public opinion than objective facts. Irrational feelings are fed on ignorance, which is easy prey to intellectual dishonesty. Fear is manipulated by dishonest people who use digital tools to spread superficial and fake news at a scale and speed never seen before. Public controversy over plant biotechnology is an example of how dishonest activists and problematic scientific dissidents tap into people’s emotions and intuitive preferences in order to disseminate unfounded negative representations of GMOs.

When ideological views are contradicted by the consensus of scientific opinion regarding the evidence, it is all too common for ill-informed people to reject the science, particularly if they have been under the pressure of a massive marketed anti-science campaign. Decisions about the use of technologies should be made on the basis of sound peer-reviewed scientific analysis of risks and benefits. If society cannot make factual decisions, then monetary greed, ideological dogmas, and myths will take over.

Thanks Marc.
(1) I hear a lot of statements on the need to convince. Indeed, but where to start? Should the consumers be convinced directly? or through the governments? Where lies the trigger and who should communicate?
 (2) Aside from transferring knowledge/evidence, what incentives should we focus on when aiming to shift opinions. When talking about food, taste-price-health seem to be the easy tools for directly shifting minds, or should we seek it elsewhere?

To answer to your two questions:
(1)    Governments are chosen by society, so they tend not to contradict the voters' point of view too much. I think we have to assist stakeholders, consumers and the general public to understand the rationale behind a decision, so that they may arrive at a balanced judgment that reflects the factual evidence in relation to their own interests and values.
A special effort should be made to enlighten decision-makers, so that they have the arguments to take the necessary measures even if those measures are against the tide of public opinion. Communication is not for amateurs. Effective communicators need to be credible and trustworthy, and different people may be needed for different target groups. In general, the credibility of communicators depends on cultural norms and differs between societies and between sectors. In addition, communicators must have excellent language and listening skills.
(2)    I agree that we should focus on the benefits that technology can bring. At this point, we should have had many more examples of healthy and tasting foods on the market. We must also focus our efforts on developments of a humanitarian nature. It would be good for the world to learn about them; such examples could change minds.

Yes Prof., to provide a luxurious world to the society we need to have efficient means to face the research challenges like research fund. How do we choose an alternative to provide genetically improved crops to the society in these limited conditions in some Africa regions?

I come back to my answer to Lara Pereira Garcia and others: Africa needs an agricultural revolution, adapted to the needs of Africans. A special effort must be made to develop high yield climate-resilient pulses which are key components of a healthy diet. Such an endeavor deserves a global effort for increased and sustained funding of agricultural R&D. The discoveries of plant science must be translated to orphan crops. It is also essential to forge strong and expanding partnerships, with decisive leadership from institutions and governments, both in Africa and elsewhere. Cooperation between charities and foundations geared towards research and development of agricultural technologies for the poorest regions of Africa would be of great benefit. I believe that a good strategy for the development of a new African agriculture is a resolute local government agricultural policy, excellent science, and a solid philanthropic plan.

African agriculture faces different problems such as climate variability, lack of necessary agricultural inputs (seed, fertilizers, machinery...) and others. Why only GMO and molecular breeding? Better to focus on plant breeding according to better nutrient use efficiency, morphological change regarding environmental stress and yield.

You're absolutely right that we need to select crop varieties that are suited to local conditions, resistant to pests and diseases, and less dependent on chemical inputs and irrigation. The process of developing a new cultivar must be, however, dramatically shortened. The needs of Africans and the accelerating environmental changes require urgent actions. We cannot get better harvests quickly enough with classical breeding based on empirical observations and traditional wisdom. Plant science has already shown that this acceleration is achievable. Plant breeding will benefit greatly from genetic engineering, new breeding techniques and molecular breeding tools. So, why not invest in them? I am convinced that modern crops, associated of course with new management strategies, can reverse the catastrophic trend of our current agricultural system.

The great merit of ‘ecological movements’ is to show the environmental problems that today's intensive agriculture has brought. The polluting technologies used in agriculture so far are there precisely because of the lack of knowledge on plant science 50 years ago.

Hi professor! What are your ideas on the poor image of GMOs and what should scientists aim to do in order to convince the general public that GMOs aren't evil?

As scientists, we have an obligation to engage in improving the scientific knowledge of the general public. Unfortunately, scientists aren't necessarily good at putting themselves in layman's shoes and explaining science in a way that people less scientifically educated can understand. While some of us do well, I'm afraid that's not enough. Opposition to GMOs is done in a very professional and concerted manner, by organizations that have the confidence of the general public. They also have the backing of the so-called problematic scientists who use misleading scientific studies to defend their causes.
We have to understand that human civilization has made most of its journey without any knowledge of science and scientific method. Our neurobiology has evolved without scientific data on what is energy, matter or life. So, it is only natural that we, like any other form of life, react to the environment with the same basic reactions that other living ‘creatures’ use to stay healthy and thrive. We know that we humans express emotions - this is how our cortex interprets our basic reactions towards the environment. Emotions therefore strongly influence our behaviour and our way of living as a group, community, or plural society.
Let's go back now to how less scientifically educated people perceive GMOs. When you don't know what life is, how it works and how it evolves, emotions take over in decision-making. What is claimed to be unnatural or bad by the groups we trust will cause fear and will be rejected. Such fear can be overcome when we know about life from the point of view of science. Therefore, true communication of the science is essential, but will not be enough.  If the controversy is too strong and laymen are not able to understand the deep science behind the development of GMOs, emotions control decision-making.
Fear, disgust, and other negative emotions can be overcome if we perceive the good that GMOs bring to our society and the environment. So, I think the best way to change mindsets is to have biotech products that bring tangible direct benefits to end consumers.

Dear Marc, congratulations! Can you suggest any alternative way to produce more food/feed than molecular biology? Very best, thank you!

Thank you, Thomas, for your continued support of plant biotechnology.

It seems logical to the non-agricultural specialist to aim for a higher yield in a sustainable way, with the greatest respect for the environment. Several management methods and approaches are being proposed that can contribute to this so-called sustainable intensification of agriculture. These range from wise land management with various cropping systems and soil health care to high-tech approaches using algorithms and geospatial technologies to help make the good decisions on what and where to plant, and drones to monitor the use of fertilizers and pesticides. While very promising, I fear that management approaches are not enough if we really want to do more with less. To increase yields on existing land and using fewer inputs, crop improvement cannot be ignored. If we are to preserve soils and ecosystems, we need crops that require less fertilizers and are resistant to pests because they are in better symbiosis with soil microorganisms. To this end, biotechnological approaches to improve crops and soil microbiota, together with the management methods mentioned above, are the best and fastest strategies.

Plant genetics remains a key component for the sustainable intensification of agriculture. Biotech seeds can have an immediate impact on yield, due to higher productivity and lower crop losses. Biotechnologies and modern breeding techniques can accelerate the development of crops to adapt agriculture to climatic stresses and that require less nutrients, preserving the soil. Pest and disease-resistant crops will advance pest management strategies.

The fear of GMO organisms in EU originates in part from our knowledge of human genetic diseases. We learned that not a single mutation explains the disease, but the interaction between many genes. Predicting the phenotype is still not possible because it is so complicated.

Thanks Frank, you as a professor of human anatomy, follow our difficulties in explaining the jump from genotype to phenotype.
Indeed, we are far from understanding the network of gene interactions and biochemical pathways which give rise to a phenotype. The same goes for natural or induced mutations as well as for new gene interactions selected by conventional breeding. In fact, GM crops are the most studied crops in history. New varieties of GM crops go through comprehensive safety assessments to assess the impact of the products of the new crop variety on human, animal and environmental health. This is a regulatory requirement prior to marketing approval.

Back to the early days of plant genetic engineering, knowing what has happened 30 years after, how would you have done things differently?

Thank you, Marc. I appreciate all your efforts in the development of tropical agriculture

To answer your question, I would say that I could have worked harder and more efficiently. I would have started earlier discussions with specialists in other fields, particularly in the humanities, to better understand the role of emotions on decision-making and problem-solving. I would be less categorical about the meaning of "the truth" and would advance transdisciplinary research. But I maintain that science is the best way to understand what life is, how it works, and how we can make the most of this knowledge to improve our living conditions.

Thanks for the interesting and informative presentation. What are the foreseen challenges coming out from the synergy between Plant B+B?

It is essential to develop crops that can improve the nutrition and income of poor smallholder farmers. The major challenge for us at IPBO is to make technology available to those who need it most. The good synergy in Plant B + B requires capacity building and adequate equipment, so we must ensure that these are in place in major universities and research institutes dedicated to tropical agriculture.
A second challenge for Plant B + B is a better knowledge of plant science to ultimately grow crops better suited to a constantly changing environment. Plant breeding, a know-how developed over more than 10,000 years, will always be necessary to select new varieties better suited to local soil and environmental conditions as well as to control the value of new “engineered” crops.
Another big challenge is the establishment and harmonization of regulatory requirements for the commercialization of biotech crops.

Hi Professor Marc, thank you for the wonderful talk. It is good to know that you shared with us how you got into the field of science, plant science specifically. Now that we are in a pandemic, surely it will affect how young people decide whether they will choose plant science as a career field. My question is how can we encourage young minds to still choose plant science as a future career field, or how can we promote plant science as a relevant field during and after this pandemic? Thank you.

Yes, the pandemic has highlighted even more the importance of the medical field and will likely accentuate our cultural tradition that our brightest students are heading into medicine. We will need to redouble our efforts to convince students that many of the challenges facing humanity in this century can be met through plant science. Making the best possible progress will require exceptional people. We must adapt the traditional values of our society to our current needs in order to place plant sciences-related careers at the top of the professions to which our most capable young people aspire.

Plant science is not only essential for a sustainable food and feed production. Plant biotechnology-based industry is an emerging reality that generates economic opportunities also for healthcare, chemical, and manufacturing sectors, with far-reaching potential impacts on socio-economic developments and environment. For the medicine field, plant genetic engineering can harness endogenous metabolic pathways and the protein biosynthesis machinery to produce complex small-molecule compounds and recombinant biologicals. Indeed, the production of recombinant pharmaceutical proteins, often described as molecular farming, originated from the need for safe and inexpensive biopharmaceuticals in developing countries. Plants synthesizing antigenic (vaccine) or antibody proteins can be grown using local farming techniques, only need to be partially processed, are easily transportable, and do not require refrigeration. Vaccines produced in food or feed crops effectively elicit an immune response to a particular pathogen when consumed fresh, dried, or lyophilized into a powder and reconstituted as a juice when needed. Therefore, plant-made vaccines could be easily available at low cost at remote regions of the planet.

When we understand better what life is, how it works and how it evolves, society will realize that our only chance to survive and prosper is to live in harmony with all living organisms. This awareness requires a better understanding of genetics, a discipline that has always been pushed forward by plant research.

Do you think developing countries need to develop the agriculture sector more than the others?

Less developed countries tend to rely on the primary sector (extraction of raw materials) as their main industry. So, they focus on mining, agriculture, fishing, and the like. The primary sector is then a base for the development of services such as transport, trade, storage, etc.

It is true that diversification of the economy is tremendously important for resilience and has long been viewed as a policy priority for low- and middle-income economies. The key question is how developing countries create an economy that is more complex, more resilient and more beneficial for all families and communities. Diversification strategies must operate in the zone where the integration of primary sector industry and other economic activities reinforce, rather than undermine, each other.

The agricultural sector is essential for any region, be it developing or developed. Food for people is a matter of sovereignty and a region should not fully depend on foreign agriculture. That is one of the reasons for the political tendency of regrouping countries into regions.

It is also important to point out that, in the industrial sector, agriculture and forestry biotechnology have the potential not only to generate more productive biomass feedstocks and minimize inputs, but also to develop more efficient biofuels, chemicals, and bio-material conversion processes. In addition, several biochemical pathways are currently being explored for the development of quality traits for the chemical industry and for phytoremediation.

As I mentioned in my response to Christian Abagat above, plant-made pharmaceuticals have become a major focus for biopharma industry, with realistic opportunities for business development. Plant manufacturing platforms for pharmaceutical purposes or molecular farming open up interesting prospects for low-income countries, where large quantities of medicines must be regularly supplied. Cost-effective local production and needleless deployment can be of great help in the treatment of tropical diseases.

Will it be easier to solve the damage to nature than the damages to humans such as bad/weak education?

It is not a matter of one instead of the other. Both are essential but enormous tasks. The damage we cause to nature will only finally be resolved when we have a solid education, both in the so-called hard sciences and in the social sciences. It is only when we fully understand and learn how to respect the fragility of our ecosystems that we will change our values and our behavior. I hope we will get there in time to avoid an irreversible disaster.

It is the responsibility of all of us who have had the privilege of having a good education. How can we value a good education if it is only recently - the last decade - that we have started to learn why we think as we think (epistemology). When we understand this, we will better educate ourselves and will be able to resolve conflicting situations.

To alleviate the damage we cause to nature, the first task is to educate all of society, including scientists, about the living world, about the meaning of being a living individual in the web of life and in the canvas of a multicultural human society.