Speaking Science 3rd Edition

Speaking Science: 3rd Edition

This course aims to train members of the plant B+B network on how to effectively communicate their science through both social media and traditional media. Participants will undertake assignments to produce information outputs in the presssocial media, and storytelling.

Program and Topics

The course will take place over five consecutive Thursdays from the 16th of November to the 14th of December 2023, from 14:00 to 17:00 East Africa Time (13:00 to 16:00 Central European Time) via ZOOM. Beyond the online sessions, this course provides two personal coaching events with journalists and media specialists outside the class schedule.

The participants will learn how to:

  • Develop a communication goal: Communicating with purpose.
  • Understand the audience segmentation: whom to talk to and why.
  • Create an engaging triangle and stay on point.
  • Get their message out using social and traditional media.
  • Learn the power of their personal story and how to leverage them.
  • Influence policy using science diplomacy.

Is the Speaking Science course for you?

The International Plant Biotechnology Outreach and the Alliance For Science are sponsoring the registration fees to participate in the online course Speaking Science in the framework of the Plant B+B and MobiLab project.

Training partners

See the outcomes of the previous edition: