Women present with power

Women present with Power

This training is a joint initiative with the Belgian Women in Science Group (BeWise) and the Association African Women for Science and Engineering (AAWSE)

Communicating science is essential for our researchers and our society. When we fail to communicate the importance of our scientific discoveries, we miss an opportunity to help people understand the positive transformative effect of science on our societies.

Still, communicating science is challenging. Often, we scientists get stuck in jargon or on the nitty-gritty details of our science, making it difficult for a broad public to follow. For researchers, these are important details, but sometimes dwelling on excessive details derails scholars from sharing and explaining the main idea behind their discoveries. For example, what is the ‘so what’ of using a pioneering technology that can help us modify DNA? What is the impact that the discovery of a new beneficial microorganism will have on soil health for local farmers?

We have all attended a conference where a speaker presents in full detail her/his experimental design. However, this same speaker has to rush through the results of the discussions of their talk, leaving very little time for the audience to grasp the contents of her/his message fully. Getting the crowd’s attention, delivering the right message, and the tempo of our presentation are essential elements we should bear in mind to present with impact! Luckily, anyone can master these skills with a few valuable tips from the experts and much practice.

In addition, women scientists often lack sufficient opportunities to access career-development training to bring their research findings forward. Among others, missing the ‘spotlight’ of an international congress reduces the potential visibility by other researchers, colleagues, and even donors.

At VIB-IPBO, we are committed to supporting women researchers to enhance their communication and presentation skills to deliver powerful and impactful presentations that can leave a footprint in their audience. Therefore, through a partnership with the Belgian Women in Science Group (BeWise) and the Association African Women for Science and Engineering (AAWSE), VIB-IPBO will support 30 women researchers to attend an online masterclass with the experienced facilitators of ‘The Floor is Yours’, that will take place on the 22nd June.

Eleven of the BeWise trained fellows are early-career scientists from research institutions all over Belgium. This year, the BeWise team is hosting a free two-day science festival on the 24th and 25th of September in Brussels (Belgium), where kids, youth, and grown-ups will join international researchers and discover the wonders of science. In addition, our sponsored BeWise fellows will showcase their science during the Wise Night event. Nineteen early-career fellows belonging to AAWSE will also be trained with the ‘The Floor is Yours’ experts. The skills gained in this communication masterclass will serve them to present their research during the 6th International Conference for Women in Science without Borders (WISWB) organized in Nairobi (Kenya) from the 3rd to 5th November. Furthermore, as part of VIB-IPBO’s support to our AAWSE research fellows, we will further support them with the registration fees to attend the conference.
